Getting the work–life balance right

As a small business owner it’s hard to juggle your work and outside responsibilities. It’s important to run your business effectively and still have a life outside the office. You need a good balance between work and play for your health and well-being. Small business owners often fall into the trap of working too hard, ending up exhausted from the constant work demands associated with self-employment. So as we say…  Read more

Differences Between Gross and Net Profit (and Why Neither Matter Unless You Get Paid!)

Wondering if you’re doing everything you can to boost income and cut costs? Or if your business is actually generating more profit this year than it was last? The best way to answer these questions is with a thorough assessment of profitability. That’s where gross and net profit calculations come in. These are two of the most important metrics for measuring your capacity to generate income relative to costs and…  Read more

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